Heir to the Empire
Chapter 2
The Story So Far
Beyond the continually expanding borders of the New Republic, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Captain Pallaeon are gathering strength as Thrawn pieces together his master plan to utterly destroy what he still views as "the Rebellion".
Chapter 2
The introduction of our scattered trio some months after the first chapter:
On Coruscant, Luke is farewelled by an ostensibly distracted Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luke is feeling depressed by the enormity of representing the mythological Jedi and rebuilding the Order on his own.
Leia has begun her Jedi training but is also buried under political responsibility. We are introduced to her aide, Winter, who has an eidetic memory.
Han and Chewie are on Tatooine trying to recruit smugglers to fulfil the logistical requirements of the New Republic. They're also accompanied by Wedge Antilles and a new character Page, who is described as completely unremarkable.
American History X (1998) is not American Graffiti (1973) (IMDb)
The Many Accents in Star Wars Explained and The Many Accents in Star Wars Pt 2 by Generation Tech
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Hosts’ Thoughts
Interesting the 9 week time skip. It would be easy to miss the few hints left in the chapter.
Poor Luke.
What do you think of the political move to establish the New Republic Council in the Imperial Palace?
Leia seems like a control freak until the line that she is the only one that has legit political experience.
Wedge as the false flag was a good plan. I liked that.
Ben “loved” Luke. Nice to see a healthy expression of platonic love. Also Luke loves Leia
Interesting circle created by the setting: Luke thinks he’s on Tatooine, actually on Coruscant, connected by Threepeo to Leia, she thinks about Han, and we are carried back to Tatooine, where Han is also thinking about Luke/Ben.
Force ghosts just linger for a time before moving beyond? I’m not sure how I feel about that interpretation. If the Force binds all things, shouldn’t there be no “beyond?”
Interesting that Coruscant has mountains.
Chewie seems absent, despite being there for Han’s whole conversation with Dravis.
Was Han also drinking hot chocolate?
Luke definitely should go to therapy. He's still obviously on edge and for good reason.
Luke feeling the presence of leia and her twins from halfway across the palace is incredible