Heir to the Empire
Chapter 10
The Story So Far
Grand Admiral Thrawn has been escalating his pressure on the disputed territory between the Empire and the New Republic. Now with Master Joruus C’baoth at his disposal, Thrawn commands three simultaneous planetary raids to test both the skill and the compliance of the Dark Jedi.
Smuggler Talon Karrde and his apprentice Mara Jade seem to be in the right place at the right time to witness the raid on Bpfassh, while the New Republic is on the back foot as its resources and attention are being reallocated into establishing governance despite being at war.
Leia's Jedi training has started sporadically, while Luke worries that he might not be the teacher that is needed of one tasked with rebuilding the Jedi Order.
Chapter 10
Leia and Han survey the damage on Bpfassh under the protective detail of Wedge Antilles and Rogue Squadron. Leia's new Jedi senses alert them just-in-time to another ambush by the same alien species that ambushed them on Bimmisaari.
Despite being able to repel their assailants, they are nonetheless closer to understanding the motives and origin of these mysterious aliens.
After an unproductive call with Admiral Ackbar, Han decides it's time to take the matter of their safety into their own hands.
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Hosts’ Thoughts
Women (Leia) being expected to give up their commitments and ambitions for their children
Enter Lando
Charisma and ambition is a dangerous combination
Still no mention of Leia's lightsaber colour
What a surprise that Wedge knows about C’baoth!
I totally believe Thrawn could find an identical YT-1300 freighter. What a fun trap.
Snap-hiss. We may not know Leia’s color yet, but at least we know the ignition sound is the same as Luke’s!
Excellent transition between sections. The context of Han’s line to Ackbar’s flows very nicely.
“I’m not sure I appreciate the tone of that question, Captain.” “I don’t like it much either, Admiral.” Hilarious retort.
Why does Leia still distrust Lando?