Heir to the Empire

Chapter 11

The Story So Far

After Grand Admiral Thrawn conducts three simultaneous raids in the Sluis Van sector, Leia Organa-Solo and Han Solo travel to Bpfassh to show their diplomatic support with the recovery effort. While there, they are ambushed for a second time by the same unknown aliens from Bimmisaari. They manage to escape but Han decides it's time to get help outside New Republic jurisdiction. 

Meanwhile, Luke Skywalker has been training Leia as his first student. He has been struggling with self-doubt as the teacher needed to rebuild the Jedi Order. 

Thrawn has allied himself with Master Joruus C’baoth, clone and Dark Jedi. Captain Pelleaon devises a plan to disseminate information that might lure Luke to C’baoth instead of sending more noghri to capture him. 

Finally, Mara Jade has apprenticed to the smuggler Talon Karrde as they play cat-and-mouse to tease information out of each other.

Chapter 11

On a hunch, Luke travels to Dagobah hoping to find something — anything — left by Yoda to guide his uncertain footsteps into the future. Finding nothing in Yoda's old dwelling, he ventures into the Dark Side Cave and is confronted with a vision; a retelling of Luke's execution at the Great Pit of Carkoon where his lightsaber is intercepted by a mysterious woman. 

Rewarded for his ordeal, Luke emerges with a nondescript gadget with markings that R2-D2 suspects might be recognised by Lando. 


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