Heir to the Empire
Chapter 9
The Story So Far
Grand Admiral Thrawn has allied himself with a Dark Jedi by promising to deliver Luke Skywalker and the pregnant Leia Organa Solo. Master Joruus C’baoth shows to be an impatient man as the first kidnapping attempt is foiled by Skywalker’s warrior prowess.
Despite the New Republic needing to raise its diplomatic image, logistically it’s easier said than done while they are still at war with the Imperial Remnants. Leia is torn between her diplomatic duties and Jedi training, while Luke is stuck between being the last of the Old Jedi and the first of the New.
Chapter 9
The Imperials conduct three concurrent hit-and-fade operations in the Suis Sector. While Grand Admiral Thrawn plays his cards close to his chest, Captain Pellaeon deduces that the exercise is as much to test Master C’Baoth’s mettle as to enforce the chain of command. Pellaeon is more than a little shaken at the display of power from C’Baoth.
Meanwhile, the raid on Bpfassh has been observed by smugglers Talon Karrde and Marra Jade at a safe distance, Karrde seemingly having foreknowledge about the operation. To Jade’s chagrin, Karrde calls off his smuggling run, citing the New Republic's imminent relief effort as a situation they wish not be entangled in.
The chapter closes with news of the raids reaching Coruscant while Leia is engaged in her new lightsaber lessons. Luke laments that, while the skills come easily to himself, he may not be the teacher that she needs.
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Hosts’ Thoughts
Imperial Section
Cool to see Thrawn testing his theory about Palpatine.
Flare of star lines, mottling of hyperspace, flicker of pseudomotion, starlines flare and shrink
Very cool, professional battle
Power struggle between Thrawn and C'baoth
I really like seeing limits to tactics
What do they mean by Star Destroyers are "siege engines"?
Everything Thrawn does has multiple meanings.
Smuggler Section
Jade seems to have some kind of grudge against Luke.
Jade is sensitive to “promises”
“Promises…” This reveals a lot about her.
Republic section
Bpfassh, Draukyze (Han's lampshading)
Teaching is a skill
I would love to own a training remote!
Jedi went crazy during the clone wars on Bpfassh?
Even after Yoda died, Luke hasn't told anyone about Dagobah
This is why you need to shut down your computer every so often